microstate::microstate! [-] [+] [src]

macro_rules! microstate (
      $machine:ident { $initial:ident }
      states { $($states:ident),* }

      $($meth:ident {
          $($from:ident => $to:ident)*
  ) => (
      pub mod $machine {
          pub enum State {
              __InvalidState__, // Just be able to match _ further down
          pub struct Machine {
              state: State,

          pub fn new() -> Machine {

          impl Machine {
              pub fn new() -> Machine {
                  Machine {
                      state: State::$initial

              pub fn state(&self) -> State {

              $(pub fn $meth(&mut self) -> Option<State> {
                  match self.state {
                      $( State::$from => { self.state = State::$to; Some(State::$to) } ),*
                          _ => None

Create a new state machine

It takes a name, the initial value, all possible states and the transitions.

See the main documentation for a proper example.