class: center, middle, less-space # Web Development with Rust ## Hire me for the JS,
keep me for the Rust ### [Rust Amsterdam]( — 2016-03-02 ### Jan-Erik Rediger — [@badboy_]( ??? I'm here to talk a bit about Web Development with Rust. Or as others have stated it: Hire me for the JS, keep me for the Rust --- class: center, middle, less-space ## Jan-Erik Rediger ### [@badboy_]( — ## Student, Open Source Enthusiast, OTS Coach & Conf Organizer ??? studying computer science in Aachen, not too far lots of open source stuff, maintaining libraries for Redis. if you use Hiredis: I'm sorry for breaking your build once in a while ;) ots teacher / conf organizer Rust in August 2014, frustrated with C++ stuck with it, released a dozen small crates --- class: center, middle, bigger
??? as it turns out I'm bad at keeping track of time. That's why I built an awesome time tracker. maybe it is just a bare time tracker, but cope with me, because it will be enough to show what I want to talk about: --- class: center, middle, bigger # [Are we web yet?](* .footnote2[\* [](] ??? And that is if we are web yet. Rust is a systems programming language by heart. also just fine for webdevelopment or on a good way The things I will be talking about today are btw listed on that site Who is a webdev? Who uses Ruby? Who uses Node.js? Who already uses Rust? Rust for webdev? --- class: bigger, bullets # Software Stack - Backend - Data store & Access - Logic / API - Frontend - HTML, CSS - JavaScript ??? Usual stack for an app later quick tour through crates that give us this Backend with datalayer, the database Actual logic through a framework backend talks to your frontend UI in HTML & CSS, so a browser can display it some JavaScript to make it more interactive --- class: center, middle, nearly-huge # Backend ??? timetracker quite simple: Redis for data storage Cuba, like Sinatra, for backend providing an API first: web frameworks --- class: bullets, bigger # Webframeworks - Iron - Nickel - Rustful - Rustless - Pencil - … ??? Quite a few Two major ones: Iron and Nickel --- class: command # Iron ```bash fn hello(_: &mut Request) -> IronResult
{ Ok(Response::with((status::Ok, "Hello World!"))) } Iron::new(hello).http("localhost:3000").unwrap(); ``` .footnote2[[](] ??? focus on providing middleware interface not batteries-included basic stuff available as middleware by Iron or others --- class: command # ```bash let mut server = Nickel::new(); server.utilize(router! { get "**" => |_req, _res| { "Hello world!" } }); server.listen(""); ``` .footnote2[[](] ??? More bundled stuff still middleware possible relies on Macros, but usable without inspired by express.js, a node.js framework --- class: bullets, bigger # Hyper (HTTP library) - client & server - low-level - type-safe .footnote2[[](] ??? One thing in common: Hyper Major HTTP library for Rust provides Server & Client very low-level, type-safe --- class: bullets, bigger # Hyper (soon) - Asynchronous IO - HTTP2 (hopefully) .footnote2[[](] ??? some issues not Asynchronous yet: more threads it's being worked on, already competitive with existing web servers plus side: all will profit no HTTP2 in server yet will follow --- class: bullets, bigger # Database access - [MySQL]( - [Postgres]( - [SQLite]( - [Redis]( - […]( .footnote[Everything above is a link ;)] ??? Database side looks good Clients for major databases Mostly taking advantage of type system (safe interfaces) Generalized connection pool interface (useful for real usage) --- class: bigger, command # Diesel ### Rust: ```bash Post::belonging_to(user).load(&connection) ``` ### Executed SQL: ```sql SELECT * FROM posts WHERE user_id = 1; ``` .footnote2[[](] ??? Coming to ORM even better off: Diesel Safe, extensible Query Builder Full advantage of Type System Think ActiveRecord (Rails) without major issues It's even faster than hand-written --- class: center, middle, bigger
??? Listed things enough to build a basic backend I used Iron and Redis for Awesome Time Tracker and it works --- class: center, middle, bigger # Ruby ??? So, first we got Ruby … --- class: center, middle, bigger, striked # Ruby ## Rust ??? … and now replaced it with Rust --- class: center, middle, nearly-huge # Frontend ??? Now let's take a look at the frontend Time Tracker is a basic single-page app. Not even a big framework in use --- class: center, middle, bigger # How do we run Rust in the Frontend? ??? You might wonder: Browser only knows HTML and CSS and JavaScript How do we even run Rust in the frontend? Partially right. It only understands those. But we don't have to write those. --- class: center, middle  .footnote2[[](] ??? There is a tool called Emscripten It takes whatever comes out of LLVM, a compiler backend for C and other languages and turns that into unreadable JavaScript (even more unreadable than hand-written) Rust uses LLVM possible to write Rust, turn that into JavaScript and have it run in the browser works in older rust with hacks will work soon without hacks some patches in llvm and emscripten needed --- class: center, middle # Turning Rust into JavaScript: # [rust-webplatform]( .footnote2[by tcr, tomaka and AerialX] ??? only problem is the interface with all the stuff available in the frontend Some nice folks already did hard work and wrote rust-webplatform bindings that translate between the JavaScript part and the Rust part through some of the functions Emscripten offers. --- class: command # DOM Handling ```bash let document = webplatform::init(); let track = document.element_query("#track"); track.on("click", |_e| { toggle_timer(&document); }); load_dom(&document); ``` ??? Somewhat easy to use Access to the DOM with Rusty and type-safe interface --- class: command # Glue code ```bash fn ajax
(&self, url: &str, f: F) { unsafe { let b = Box::new(f); let a = &*b as *const _; js!{(url, a as *const libc::c_void, caller::
as *const libc::c_void) br#" jQuery.ajax({url: UTF8ToString($0)}) .done(function(data) { Runtime.dynCall('vii', $2, [$1, allocate(intArrayFromString(data), 'i8', ALLOC_STACK)]); … ``` ??? ' To shock you a bit Glue code necessary to give you access to jquery --- class: center, middle, bigger
??? I went ahead and rewrote my frontend in Rust. It still works --- class: center, middle, bigger # JavaScript ??? I know I took some liberties here to force the usage of Rust on the frontend. --- class: center, middle, bigger, striked # JavaScript ## Rust ??? But hey, I did it. No more _pure_ JavaScript hand-written by me. Instead some nice Rust code We removed Ruby in the backend and replaced it with Rust. We removed JavaScript in the frontend and replaced it with Rust. --- class: center, middle, nearly-huge # Browser ??? Still something left that's not Rust The browser Millions of C++ code The same bugs over and over again Mostly single-threaded --- class: center, middle, bigger # Servo  .footnote2[[](] ??? Servo, a browser engine developed at Mozilla. prototype of browser engine with parallel architecture from the ground up Thanks to Rust get rid of whole bug classes --- class: center, middle, bigger  ??? Servo runs our awesome timetracker just fine, because afterall it's just some simple HTML and this huge blob of JavaScript that we got from our Rust frontend code. Servo is nearwhere being a real replacement for Chrome or Firefox, but it's a promising experiment where Rust shines. And it got a whole lot faster lately by using the GPU for most of the layouting --- class: center, middle, bigger
??? One more thing Servo can do: It can run on mobile phones as well. Take browser engine, compile it for Android or FirefoxOS and run it Video (auf anderem bildschirm anmachen) --- class: center, middle, bigger # C++ ??? So at last, we replaced our large C++ based browser … --- class: center, middle, bigger, striked # C++ ## Rust ??? … with some not that large Rust project which finalizes our Web stack --- class: bullets # Recap - Backend - Frameworks (Iron, Nickel, ...) - Databases adapters (SQL, Redis, ...) - Frontend - Emscripten ??? Let's recap what I showed you Libraries for the backend Even some stuff for the frontend didn't even mention template libraries yet, but they are out there not everything is there yet --- class: center, middle # Is all of this a good idea? ## ABSOLUTELY ??? You might ask: Is it a good idea to use Rust everywhere To which I have to answer: ABSOLUTELY --- class: center, middle # Ok, probably it's not ??? Ok, maybe it's really not the best idea to use it everywhere, especially if we have good long-standing libraries in other languages or if we have to compile to a completely different language --- class: center, middle, bigger # Or maybe it is:
[webassembly](\* is coming .footnote2[\*"a binary format for the web"] ??? but maybe it still is. because WebAssembly is definitely coming it will be a binary format for the web major browser implementors are working on it servo has ideas how to integrate it would allow more efficient code in the browser, e.g. games that's the idea … --- class: center, middle, bigger  ??? but really it's just about writing more Lisp again --- class: center, middle, bigger # [](* ### Jan-Erik Rediger ### [@badboy_]( — .footnote2[\*Page not by me, but great resource] ??? So back to our initial question: ??? Yes, You can build stuff! The basics are there, promising way. We need more work on documentation and tutorials. People trying this stuff. People developing this stuff. Take a look around. lists crates Thank you. Contact. Work on Timetracker. Slides later